Established in 1946, we began as a small group interested in the hobby of mineral collecting and lapidary. The Society's intent from the start was to further the knowledge and appreciation for a hobby that was just beginning to grow.
Our Mission
To encourage interest and study in geology, mineralogy, lapidary, and allied earth sciences.
We are members of the Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical Societies -
and the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies -
For the RMFMS Annual Report: Click Here
Society Events
Society meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the first Monday of each month except September and February. These meetings feature presentations on gems and minerals from different perspectives: field collecting, history of private and museum collections, Arizona and nationwide mines along with their environments, and scientific mineral and gem information. Talks are presented by the hobbyist to experts in their field, which are meant to excite the adventurer and the collector alike. During the months of June, July and August members and guests enjoy potluck dinners, and share their mineral adventures.
You will become an “Active Member” of TGMS when the fee is paid and the membership form is processed, which may take up to 10 days from the day it is submitted. In order to attend special events (including field trips, summer potlucks, holiday parties and the Show) as a member, the attendee must be an Active Member as of the date the attendee registers for the event.
Educational Classes
The Tucson Gem and Mineral Society offers educational classes that tap into the wealth of knowledge and experience within our membership. These informal classes are meant to broaden the knowledge and skills of members and range in subject from: how to clean minerals, to how important is the price, to how to get the most from metal detectors, and everything you should know about gemstones.
Field Trips

Society field trips are a great way to start the hobby! Experience the hunt for minerals and spend wonderful hours in the Arizona desert. Field trips occur throughout the year, and are open to Society members. Trips include mines and mineral localities within Arizona, with occasional field trips to neighboring states, and offer the opportunity to collect in areas usually closed to collecting.
TGMS Members who participate in TGMS sponsored field trip, will fill out a "RSVP Field Trip Form." By doing so, this form serves as registering to participate on a particular field trip and agreeing to the “Terms and Conditions.” Once your form has been filled out, you and the TGMS Office each will receive a copy.
Please read the Tucson Gem and Mineral Society "Field Trip Collecting Rules."
Please read the AFMS field trip collecting "Code of Ethics."
Supporting Local Mineral Museum Collections
The Society has supported the mineral collections at The University of Arizona and the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum on an annual basis for years. These grants provide extra funds for the acquisition of minerals, and advance the growth of each collection. The Society also funds a graduate scholarship in the Geoscience Department at The University of Arizona, and a scholarship for the Boys and Girls Club.
Supporting the Promotion of Mineral Knowledge
The Society also funds a graduate scholarship in the Geoscience Department at The University of Arizona; Southern Arizona Research, Science and Engineering Foundation; the Boys and Girls Club; and other community outreach programs.
Show Exhibits - A Gift to Tucson
The Tucson Gem and Mineral Show® remains dedicated to presenting extraordinary mineral and jewelry exhibits while bringing together jewelry, mineral, fossil, lapidary craftsman, and related publication dealers to provide an unparalleled variety under one roof. A combination museum / shopping experience that for four days delights young and old.
More about The Tucson Gem and Mineral Show®