(520) 322-5773


The 100 - A Practical Guide to Mineral Collecting in Today's World

"The 100 - A Practical Guide to Mineral Collecting in Today's World"

By Bill Shelton

A Special Publication of the New York Mineralogical Club, Inc.

“Based on Bill’s many years of mineralogical experience, “The 100” was a list that included the most important, and likely the most common minerals, in all of our mineral collections.”          

 “…..it has been one of the most popular series of articles published during the period I have been the NYMC’s Bulletin Editor.”                   

 “…….we decided to “preserve and protect” this series of articles in this Special Publication of the New York Mineralogical Club.”
“……the alphabetical listing appearing later in the book makes it easy to quickly find information about a given mineral……”


Mitchell Portnoy
Editor, Bulletin of the New York Mineralogical Club

TGMS has 100 copies of this special publication for sale. For its content and information, it is very modestly priced; it is being sold for $15.00.  Proceeds from the sales will benefit the TGMS Library Fund.  You can contact the TGMS Office at 520-322-5773 or tgms@tgms.org for more information.